Educational and Workforce Training Resources for MRE

The table below was compiled as part of the 2024 State of the Science - Chapter 7: Education and Outreach around Environmental Effects of Marine Renewable Energy. It will be updated as new content and resources are developed. If you have a resource you'd like added to this list, please email


Table 1. Compilation of Educational or Workforce Training Resources for MRE.
Blue Economy CRC Logo Blue Economy Cooperative Research Centre

The Blue Economy Cooperative Research Centre in Australia is an innovative cross-sectoral research collaboration that hosts an Education and Training Program for researchers to deliver industry-ready PhD graduates.

COME3T Logo COME3T Committee of Experts for Offshore Renewable Energies Environmental and Socio-economic Issues (COME3T) is a committee of experts in France that provides scientific knowledge and develops helpful visual information in multiple educational bulletins. COME3T is coordinated by France Énergies Marines.
Deftiq Logo Deftiq Offshore Renewable Energy Courses Deftiq, in partnership with multiple academic and industry organizations globally, has produced online MRE and offshore wind courses for technology developers, early career researchers, and other workforce development. Multiple courses have been developed, including a course on environmental impact.
FLORES FLORES Forward Looking at the Offshore Renewables (FLORES) is a large-scale partnership aiming to advance offshore workforce development across the European Union.
FloWave Logo FloWave The FloWave Ocean Energy Research Facility offers multiple opportunities for teachers to visit the test facility and participate in competitions.
INORE Logo INORE The International Network on Offshore Renewable Energy (INORE) is an association of postgraduate students, postdoctoral researchers, and other professionals at early stages of their careers, working in the fields of offshore wind, wave, tidal, salinity gradient, and ocean thermal energy conversion.
Integral Logo Integral Consulting CStories Integral Consulting developed a MRE chatbot that uses artificial intelligence to answer any question about MRE.


Marine Energy Collegiate Competition The U.S. Department of Energy hosts a challenge for interdisciplinary teams of undergraduate and graduate students to advance MRE by exploring opportunities for MRE technologies to benefit other existing maritime industries via real-world concept development experiences.
Marine Energy Wales Logo


Marine Energy Wales School Resources Marine Energy Wales has developed online education resources that are available in English and Welsh, for primary and secondary school students.
MATES Logo MATES The Maritime Alliance for fostering the European blue economy through a Marine Technology Skilling Strategy (MATES) project aims to increase ocean literacy with emphasis on offshore renewable energy and shipbuilding, as well as to raise awareness about maritime careers. Eleven pilot experiences in training and skills development have been created and are freely available on the MATES website.
MRE Brochure


MRE Brochure The MRE brochure was developed by Ocean Energy Systems (OES)-Environmental to provide an overview of the environmental effects of MRE development, to familiarize readers with the latest scientific information on the potential impacts of installation and operation of MRE devices in a condensed, visual format.


NEED Project Curriculum The National Energy Education Development (NEED) curriculum provides comprehensive, objective information and activities for students and educators on the energy sources that can power the United States, including economic and environmental impact information.
ORJIP Logo ORJIP Ocean Energy Offshore Renewables Joint Industry Programme (ORJIP) Ocean Energy is a United Kingdom-wide collaborative program of environmental research with the aim of reducing consenting risks for wave, tidal and current projects.
POES Logo POES Network The Pan American Ocean Energy Student (POES) Network, created by the Pan American Marine Energy Conference (PAMEC) Energy Association and Centro Mexicano de Innovación en Energía (CEMIE)-Océano, is a student and early career research-led organization for those in the Americas involved in the MRE sector.


PRIMRE STEM for Marine Energy Portal The U.S. Department of Energy’s Portal and Repository for Information on Marine Renewable Energy (PRIMRE) hosts a STEM (sciences, technology, engineering, and mathematics) page to support the workforce development in the MRE industry.
REDi Island Snip


REDi Island

Renewable Energy Discovery (REDi) Island is an interactive, educational 3D animation of a virtual renewable energy-powered island developed by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory in the United States. that—with help from the next generation of waterpower scientists—could soon become reality.
SAFEWAVE Logo SafeWAVE Project The SafeWAVE Project, a multidisciplinary team from Portugal, Spain, France, and Ireland, has developed an education and public engagement framework to enhance ocean literacy, and as part of this work reviewed existing education and public engagement programs.
Spark Squad Logo Spark Squad comic book The Spark Squad comic book, developed by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory, follows secondary students as they learn about waterpower technologies, including MRE.
TE Logo


Tethys Engineering Photo Library

The Tethys Engineering Photo Library hosts photos and illustrations of MRE devices, arrays, and facilities that are available for use. The Photo Library can be a useful resource for showing existing MRE technologies designs to increase awareness and familiarity.

Triton Initiative logo Triton Newsletter The Triton Initiative at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory carries out research and environmental monitoring technologies to reduce barriers to testing, and sharing the information broadly. The Triton newsletter is used to facilitate this information dissemination.
STEM to Workforce Logo


Water Power STEM to Workforce The Water Power STEM to Workforce project focuses on assessing the workforce needs in the United States and supporting the development of educational structures to build the marine pipeline.
WEAMEC Logo WEAMEC The West Atlantic Marine Energy Community (WEAMEC) is a consortium of 30 institutions across France that has developed a training roadmap and various initial and continuing training programs for marine energy technical skills.