Joining as a side event at the OEE2024 annual conference, this year's EuropeWave annual event will feature the Phase 3 projects showcasing their current project work and sharing their lessons learnt during the final phase of the EuropeWave programme.
An open-floor discussion will focus on the next steps towards reaching wave commercialisation and the ideal support mechanisms to help the wave sector.
• Session 1: Welcome & Introduction to the EuropeWave Project
• Session 2: What’s under the hood: Phase 3 project presentations on progress
• Session 3: Experience sharing: Key lessons learnt so far from Phase 3
• Session 4: Sharpening our focus: the sustainable next steps for wave commercialisation
Past Events
- 2nd EuropeWave Annual Conference 2023, Brussels, Belgium, 28 March 2023 10:00-16:00 CEST