Databases Related to Marine and Wind Energy and the Environment

The list below compiles and provides access to external databases. While the respective scopes of each of the databases are varied, all convey information relevant to wind and marine renewable energy and the environment. The list of databases is not exhaustive and will be updated as needed. If you have comments on incorrect or missing material, please email

Title Technology Country Sort ascending Description
Atlantic Offshore Seabird Dataset Catalog Fixed Offshore Wind United States of America

The Atlantic Offshore Seabird Dataset Catalog, a product of collaboration between several bureaus within the U.S. Department of Interior, contains historical and contemporary datasets on survey effort and bird observations along the Atlantic Outer Continental Shelf. The full archive contains over 70 datasets and each observation record includes a point location, date, and time, as well as a species and observation count.

Tethys Engineering Marine Energy United States of America

Tethys Engineering is an online knowledge management system that provides access to information on the technical and engineering aspects of marine energy. Launched by the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory to support the U.S. Department of Energy’s Water Power Technologies Office, Tethys Engineering houses thousands of peer reviewed papers, technical reports, geospatial content, and other media, including a Photo Library. Tethys Engineering is one of several Knowledge Hubs within the Portal and Repository for Information on Marine Renewable Energy (PRIMRE) system.    

Marine Cadastre Marine Energy, Wind Energy United States of America

Marine Cadastre is an integrated marine information system that provides data, tools, and technical support for ocean and Great Lakes planning. Developed through a partnership between the U.S.'s National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM), Marine Cadastre provides information regarding biologically important areas; maritime boundaries; offshore wind technology depth zones; offshore tidal stream, wave, and wind resource potentials; and more. 

Waterpower Research Portal (WaRP) Marine Energy United States of America

WaRP is a living database of research within the hydropower, pumped storage and marine energy sectors, conducted by industry, government, NGO and educational entities. The database is maintained by the National Hydropower Association.

US Wind Turbine Database Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind, Fixed Offshore Wind United States of America

The United States Wind Turbine Database (USWTDB) provides the locations of land-based and offshore wind turbines in the United States, corresponding wind project information, and turbine technical specifications. The creation of this database was jointly funded by the U.S. Department of Energy Wind Energy Technologies Office via the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Electricity Markets and Policy Group, the U.S. Geological Survey Energy Resources Program, and the American Clean Power Association. The database is being continuously updated.

Telesto Marine Energy United States of America

Telesto provides information and guidance for testing, measurement, and data analysis for marine energy research, development, and demonstration. It also features the Testing Facilities Database, a collection of device testing facilities, and the Sensor and Instrumentation Database, a catalogued collection of sensors and instruments used by the marine energy industry. Telesto is one of several Knowledge Hubs within the Portal and Repository for Information on Marine Renewable Energy (PRIMRE) system.

Northeast Ocean Data Portal Fixed Offshore Wind United States of America

The Northeast Ocean Data Portal is a centralized, peer-reviewed source of data and interactive maps of the ocean ecosystem and ocean-related human activities in the northeastern United States. The Portal facilitates decision-making by a broad range of government agencies, industries, academic entities, and individuals, and is used to inform ocean planning, offshore wind development, fisheries management, and other applications. 

FishFORWRD Database Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind, Floating Offshore Wind United States of America

FishFORWRD is a catalog of all East Coast research, monitoring efforts, and stated research needs for offshore wind, fish, and fisheries. This database differentiates ongoing projects funded to examine offshore wind interactions from other programs that provide valuable data, but which haven't necessarily been designed to assess offshore wind impacts. The objective of FishFORWRD is to increase awareness of ongoing work, avoid duplication of efforts, and create a common understanding of research needs. This tool is meant for research funders, fisheries and offshore wind researchers, offshore wind developers, and the public. FishFORWRD was developed in partnership by Responsible Offshore Science Alliance (ROSA), Attentive Energy, and WSP. 

California Offshore Wind Energy Gateway Fixed Offshore Wind United States of America

The Offshore Renewable Wind Energy Gateway assembles geospatial information on ocean wind resources, ecological and natural resources, ocean commercial and recreational uses, and community values. Data Basin hosts the gateway on their mapping and analysis platform in support of the Intergovernmental Renewable Energy Task Force. The information is intended to help identify areas off of California that are potentially suitable for wind energy generation.

Marine Energy Atlas Marine Energy United States of America

Marine Energy Atlas is an interactive mapping tool developed by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory that maps US wave, tidal, riverine current, ocean current, and ocean thermal resources. It supports everything from project siting to device design through high-resolution and spatially comprehensive data sets. Marine Energy Atlas is one of several Knowledge Hubs within the Portal and Repository for Information on Marine Renewable Energy (PRIMRE) system.

West Coast Ocean Data Portal United States of America

The West Coast Ocean Data Portal is a project of the West Coast Governors Alliance on Ocean Health to increase discovery and connectivity of ocean and coastal data and people to better inform regional resource management, policy development, and ocean planning. The Portal informs priority West Coast ocean issues such as tracking sources and patterns of marine debris, adaptation to sea-level rise, understanding impacts of ocean acidification on our coasts, and marine planning.

Marine Energy Software Marine Energy United States of America

Marine Energy Software is a collection of open-source and commercial software that are relevant to marine energy research and development. Users can sort available software packages by different features, view recent activity on their favorite repositories, discover new ones, and register their own. Marine Energy Software is one of seven knowledge hubs within the Portal and Repository for Information on Marine Renewable Energy (PRIMRE). 

OpenEI Marine Energy, Wind Energy United States of America

OpenEI is an energy information portal sponsored by the U.S. Department of Energy and developed by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory in support of the Open Government Initiative to make energy data transparent, participatory, and collaborative. In wiki format, OpenEI hosts a collection of content and data on a wide variety of topics from renewable energy resources and technologies, policy and regulations, and analyzed and raw data.

Quest Floating Wind Energy (Q FWE) Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind United States of America

Quest Floating Wind Energy (Q FWE) is a market intelligence company that hosts several subscription-based products related to the global offshore wind energy market and supply chain. Q FWE also hosts several resources that are freely available to the public, including a list of wind companies and their supply chain categories, the Q FWEconomics Calculator, and the Quest Offshore Wind Turbine Index.

Wind Data Hub Wind Energy United States of America

The Wind Data Hub also known as Data Archive and Portal (DAP) provides secure, timely, easy, and open access to all laboratory, field, and benchmark model data and offshore data produced by the projects funded by Department of Energy (DOE) Wind Energy Technologies Office (WETO).

Environmental Studies Program (ESP) Hub Marine Energy, Wind Energy United States of America

The U.S. Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM)'s Environmental Studies Program (ESP) Hub is an online platform that aims to improve public access to BOEM’s collection of ocean science research. The ESP Hub replaces the previous geoESPIS search tool, ushering in a completely new paradigm for scientific information discovery. Its intuitive user interface and well-organized theme pages significantly improve accessibility to ESP studies.

Federal Energy Regulatory Commission's (FERC) eLibrary Marine Energy United States of America

The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission's (FERC) eLibrary maintains a record of all permit-related documents for sites under their jurisdiction, which includes all U.S. MHK projects. Users can conduct general searches or enter a specific docket number to search through the eLibrary. Note the eLibrary contains MHK filings, as well as conventional hydrokinetic project filings.

WINDExchange Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind, Fixed Offshore Wind, Floating Offshore Wind United States of America

WINDExchange is an online platform that aims to enable well-informed decisions about the appropriate development of wind energy. WindExchange focuses on the dissemination of quality and unbiased information to the public, communities, businesses, organizations, and state and local governments about wind technology as a viable renewable energy option. WINDExchange is supported by the Wind Energy Technologies Office at the U.S. Department of Energy and facilitated by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory

SanctSound Data Portal United States of America

To better understand underwater sound within National Marine Sanctuaries, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and the U.S. Navy co-led the Sanctuary Soundscape Monitoring Project, SanctSound. SanctSound has collected close to 300 terabytes of data, which is available in the National Centers for Environmental Information repository. The SanctSound interactive data portal allows users to explore the processed data, which includes detections of specific sounds, such as humpback whale song and red grouper fish calls, and sound level metrics that characterize the overall soundscape. 

Northeast Regional Marine Fish Habitat Assessment (NRHA) United States of America

This application shares products from the Northeast Regional Marine Fish Habitat Assessment (NRHA) and provides tools to explore fish habitat data, with an emphasis on habitat use at different regional scales and by diverse fish and shellfish species in the Northeast.

Marine and Hydrokinetic Data Repository (MHKDR) Marine Energy United States of America

The Marine and Hydrokinetic Data Repository (MHKDR), hosted on OpenEI, is the repository for all data collected using funds from the Water Power Technologies Office of the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE). It contains data on MHK devices, testing, resource and environmental impact assessments, cost analyses, and more. MHKDR is one of several Knowledge Hubs within the Portal and Repository for Information on Marine Renewable Energy (PRIMRE) system.

Hydrodynamic Testing Facilities Database Marine Energy United States of America

The U.S. Department of Energy's Hydrodynamic Testing Facilities Database, hosted on OpenEI, couples a map-based viewer with a list of hydrodynamic testing facilities to provide data on a range of testing capabilities and services available at commercial, academic, and government facilities, as well as offshore berths, within the United States.

American Wind-Wildlife Documents Library Wind Energy United States of America

The American Wind Wildlife Institute (AWWI) is an independent nonprofit that conducts and supports scientific research to better understand wind energy's risks to wildlife and develop solutions to avoid, minimize, and offset those impacts. The American Wind-Wildlife Documents Library includes peer-reviewed wind-wildlife research, published articles and reports, and publicly available but un-published reports prepared for wind energy facilities in North America (both before and after construction). 

UK Marine Energy Database (UKMED) Marine Energy United Kingdom

RenewableUK's UK Marine Energy Database (UKMED) is a growing map and database of wave and tidal sites in the UK. The interactive map enables users to view project details including technology type, ownership, and project status.

UK Wind Energy Database (UKWED) Wind Energy United Kingdom

RenewableUK's UK Wind Energy Database (UKWED) contains useful information and data about onshore and offshore wind projects in the UK. An advanced search and interactive map is available for RenewableUK Members, as well as a project intelligence hub that hosts information on contracts, project ownership, generator type, and news relating to onshore and offshore projects.