Tethys Stories

Tethys Stories feature information on news, events, research, and projects relevant to wind and marine renewable energy development activities across the globe. Stories are contributed from individuals working in the field, and provide insight into advancing the energy industry in an environmentally responsible manner. If you are interested in providing content to be featured as a Tethys Story, please email tethys@pnnl.gov.

  • Submitted by Jonathan Whiting on
    The London Array is a massive 630 MW windfarm, comprised of 175 Siemens 3.6 MW turbines located about 20 km from the coasts of Kent and Essex. After 28 months of construction and a €2.2 billion cost, the farm was officially inaugurated on July 4th 2013. Dong Energy (50%), E.ON (30%), and Masdar (20%) are the stakeholders for this project, which will supply energy to an estimated 500,000 homes. It… Read More
  • Submitted by Jonathan Whiting on
    On May 31st, 2013 a project led by the University of Maine deployed a 1:8 scale demonstration turbine off the coast of Castine, Maine. The new 65-foot-tall VolturnUS prototype is composed of a floating concrete base and a light-weight composite tower to help reduce the overall cost of the system. This project is associated with a larger commercial demonstration project called Aqua Ventus I that… Read More
  • Submitted by Jonathan Whiting on
    The Severn Estuary has seen countless proposals for tidal barrage technology dating back as far as 1849. Barrages act as a sort of dam across a bay entrance, collecting tidal energy from low-head turbines. The most recent plans for a 8,640 MW barrage were shot down in 2010 after a two year feasiblity study deemed that there was "no strategic case" for building the project. This has set the stage… Read More
  • Submitted by Jonathan Whiting on
    Many of the Pacific Islands are highly dependant on expensive diesel for electricity, which creates a perfect opportunity for offshore renewable energy projects. The Aukland-based firm ARGOenvironmental has begun negotiations with the island of Tongatapu to install a 1-MW oscillating water column (OWC) that collects electricity from turbines driven by compressed air caused by waves. The goal is… Read More
  • Submitted by Jonathan Whiting on
    Tethys has been constructed on the Semantic MediaWiki (SMW) platform, which is the same open-source software that powers Wikipedia. A competition selects and features one website per month that best makes use of the SMW platform in a creative and effective way. Immediately after Tethys was nominated, it was selected as the "Wiki of the Month" for April 2013. Find out more at https://www.semantic-… Read More
  • Submitted by Luke Hanna on
    In addition to the new publicly accessible Annex IV information and data on Tethys, the recently released Final Annex IV Report is also available through Tethys. The Annex IV report contains three case studies of specific interactions of ocean energy devices with the marine environment that survey, gather and analyze the best available information in one coherent location. The report also… Read More
  • Submitted by Luke Hanna on
    Last September, The Northwest National Marine Renewable Energy Center (NNMREC), based out Oregon State University with University of Washington as a partner, was awarded the first installment of funding for the Pacific Marine Energy Center (PMEC). PMEC will be the countries first utility-scale, grid connected test site for wave energy devices on the West Coast. Modeled after the successful… Read More
  • Submitted by Luke Hanna on
    Last month, the DOE Wind Program announced funding to seven Advanced Technology Demonstration offshore wind projects. Totaling $168 million over six years, the primary goal of these projects are to expedite the deployment of stronger, more efficient and innovative offshore wind power technologies performance while lowering costs. Additionally, the seven demonstrations will help address key… Read More
  • Submitted by Brian Polagye on
    Since this is a blog, blogging about another blog would seem to be fair game. As is the case for environmental MHK research, technology research is also published in a wide range of journals and conference proceedings. Consequently, it can be difficult to stay abreast of the latest technology developments. In January, 2012, Alison Labonte began to aggregate new publications in technology… Read More
  • Submitted by Davide Magagna on
    The SOWFIA project is a three year project funded by Intelligent Energy Europe (IEE) that brings together ten partners from across Europe who share an interest in planning for wave farm developments. Wave energy is an innovative and developing technology that could contribute to meeting EU green energy goals and climate change mitigation targets. However, technological and administrative hurdles… Read More