TY - RPRT TI - Revolution Wind Construction and Operations Plan AU - Vanasse Hangen Brustlin AB - This Cable Construction and Operations Plan (COP) is being submitted by Revolution Wind, LLC (Revolution Wind) (formerly DWW Rev I, LLC), a 50/50 joint venture between Orsted North America Inc. and Eversource Investment LLC, to support the siting and development of the Revolution Wind Farm and the Revolution Wind Export Cable (collectively, the Project). The wind farm portion of the Project (referred to as the Revolution Wind Farm [RWF]) will be located in federal waters on the Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) in the designated Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) Renewable Energy Lease Area OCS-A 0486 (Lease Area). The RWF is approximately 18 statute miles (mi) (15 nautical miles [nm]) southeast of Point Judith, Rhode Island, approximately 15 mi (13 nm) east of Block Island, Rhode Island, approximately 8.5 mi (7.5 nm) south of Nomans Land Island National Wildlife Refuge (uninhabited island), and between approximately 12 to 14 mi (10 to 12.5 nm) south/southwest of varying points of the Rhode Island and Massachusetts coastlines. The Project also includes up to two submarine export cables (referred to as the Revolution Wind Export Cable [RWEC]), generally co-located within a single corridor through both federal waters and state waters of Rhode Island. The RWEC will make landfall at Quonset Point in North Kingstown, Rhode Island and will interconnect to the existing electric transmission system via the Davisville Substation, which is owned and operated by The Narragansett Electric Company (TNEC), located in North Kingstown, Rhode Island. The locations of the RWF and RWEC are shown on Figure ES-1; the onshore portions of the Project are shown on Figure ES-2.Volume IAppendices:Appendix A: Agency CorrespondenceAppendix B: Coastal Zone Management Act Consistency CertificationsAppendix C1: Certified Verification Agent - Scope of Work (CONFIDENTIAL)Appendix C2: Certified Verification Agent - Statement of Qualification (CONFIDENTIAL)Appendix D: Emergency Response Plan/Oil Spill Response Plan (CONFIDENTIAL)Appendix E: Safety Management System (CONFIDENTIAL)Appendix F: Preliminary Cable Burial Feasibility Assessment (CONFIDENTIAL)Appendix G: MEC/UXO Risk Assessment with Risk Mitigation Strategy (CONFIDENTIAL)Appendix H: Supplemental Project Information and Conceptual Project Engineering Design Drawings (CONFIDENTIAL)Appendix I: Foundation Feasibility Study (CONFIDENTIAL)Appendix J: Hydrodynamic and Sediment Transport Modeling ReportAppendix K: Onshore Natural Resources and Biological AssessmentAppendix L: Essential Fish Habitat AssessmentAppendix M: Marine Archaeological Resources Assessment (CONFIDENTIAL)MARA Non-Technical SummaryAppendix N: Terrestrial Archaeological Resources Assessment (CONFIDENTIAL)TARA Non-Technical SummaryAppendix O1: Revolution Wind Integrated Geotechnical Geophysical Site Characterization Study (CONFIDENTIAL)Appendix O2: Revolution Wind 2017-2020 Geophysical Surveys, Data Acquisition and Processing Report (CONFIDENTIAL)Appendix O3: Field Operations and Final Results Report Revolution Wind Export Cable Route Geotechnical Investigation (CONFIDENTIAL)Appendix O4: Measured and Derived Geotechnical Parameters and Final Results: REV01 GT1BInter Array Cable and Export Cable Route (IAC/ECR) Locations (CONFIDENTIAL)Appendix O5: Measured and Derived Geotechnical Parameters and Final Results : REV01 GT1B Wind Turbine Generator and Offshore Substation (WTG/OSS) Locations (CONFIDENTIAL)Appendix O6: Preliminary Field Results Report: REV01 Inter-Array Cable and Export Cable Route (IAC/ECR) Locations (CONFIDENTIAL)Appendix O7: Preliminary Field Results Report: REV01 Offshore Substation (OSS) Locations (CONFIDENTIAL)Appendix O8: Preliminary Field Results Report: REV01 GT1B Wind Turbine Generator (WTG) Locations (CONFIDENTIAL)Appendix P1: Offshore Airborne Sound AssessmentAppendix P2: Onshore Acoustic AssessmentAppendix P3: Underwater Acoustic Modeling AnalysisAppendix P4: Underwater Acoustic Modeling of Detonations of Unexploded Ordnance (UXO)Appendix Q1: Offshore Electric- and Magnetic- Field AssessmentAppendix Q2: Onshore Electric- and Magnetic- Field AssessmentAppendix R: Navigation Safety Risk Assessment Appendix S1: Obstruction Evaluation and Airspace AnalysisAppendix S2: Radar and Navigational Aid Screening StudyAppendix S3: Air Traffic Flow AnalysisAppendix S4: Aircraft Detection Lightning System Efficacy AnalysisAppendix T: Air Emissions Calculations and Methodology (CONFIDENTIAL)Appendix U1: Visual Impact Assessment and Historic Resources Visual Effects Analysis - Revolution Wind Onshore Facilities (CONFIDENTIAL)Appendix U2: Historic Resources Visual Effects Analysis - Revolution Wind Farm (CONFIDENTIAL)HRVEA Non-Technical SummaryAppendix U3: Visual Impact Assessment - Revolution Wind FarmAppendix V: Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment (CONFIDENTIAL)Appendix W: W - Metocean Report (CONFIDENTIAL)Appendix X1: Benthic Assessment Appendix X2: Habitat Mapping ReportAppendix Y: Fisheries and Benthic Monitoring PlanAppendix Z1: Assessment of Impacts to Marine Mammals, Sea Turtles, and ESA-Listed Fish SpeciesAppendix Z2: Protected Species Mitigation and Monitoring Plan (PSMMP): Sea Turtles and ESA-Listed Fish SpeciesAppendix Z3: Protected Species Mitigation and Monitoring Plan (PSMMP): Marine MammalsAppendix AA: Assessment of the Potential Effects of the Revolution Offshore Wind Farm on Birds and BatsAppendix BB: Cultural Resources Avoidance, Minimization, and Mitigation Measures (CONFIDENTIAL)Appendix CC: Assessment of the Economic Development Benefits of the Proposed Revolution Wind Project (CONFIDENTIAL)Appendix DD: Commercial and Recreational FisheriesAppendix EE: Fisheries Communication and Outreach Plan DA - 2023/03// PY - 2023 SP - 868 PB - Vanasse Hangen Brustlin (VHB) UR - https://www.boem.gov/renewable-energy/state-activities/revolution-wind-farm-construction-and-operations-plan LA - English KW - Wind Energy KW - Fixed Offshore Wind KW - Marine Mammals KW - Physical Environment KW - Reptiles KW - Sea Turtles KW - Human Dimensions ER -