The Knowledge Base provides access to documents and information about the environmental effects of wind energy, supporting the WREN initiative. Relevant documents from around the world are compiled into a user-friendly table that displays all content available in Tethys. Results can be narrowed using the keyword filters on the right, or with search terms entered in the text box, including targeted searches (e.g., org:DOE, author:copping). Content may also be sorted alphabetically by clicking on column headers. Some entries will appear on the next page.
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Title | Author | Date | Content Type | Technology | Stressor | Receptor |
Historical Challenges of Wind Energy/Wildlife Interactions: How This May Affect Distributed Wind | Sinclair, K. | Report | Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind | Habitat Change, Collision | Birds, Bats | |
Grande Prairie Wind Farm Bird and Bat Conservation Strategy | Stantec Consulting | Report | Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind | Attraction, Collision, Displacement, Habitat Change | Bats, Birds | |
Avian Risk Behavior and Fatalities at the Altamont Wind Resource Area: March 1998 to February 1999 | Thelander, C.; Rugge, L. | Report | Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind | Collision | Raptors, Birds | |
Comparison of Avian Responses to UV-Light-Reflective Paint on Wind Turbines | Young, D.; Erickson, W.; Strickland, M.; et al. | Report | Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind | Lighting, Collision, Avoidance | Raptors, Birds | |
Best Management Practices for siting, developing, operating, and monitoring renewable energy in the Intermountain West: A Conservationist's Guide | Jones, A. | Report | Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind | Habitat Change, Displacement, Collision, Avoidance, Attraction | Terrestrial Mammals, Raptors, Legal & Policy, Human Dimensions, Ground-Nesting Birds, Birds, Bats | |
An Assessment of the Impacts of Green Mountain Power Corporation's Wind Power Facility on Breeding and Migrating Birds in Searsburg, Vermont: July 1996-July 1998 | Kerlinger, P. | Report | Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind | Habitat Change, Collision, Avoidance | Raptors, Passerines, Birds | |
Ponnequin Wind Energy Project: Reference Site Avian Study | Kerlinger, P.; Curry, R.; Ryder, R. | Report | Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind | Habitat Change, Collision, Avoidance | Raptors, Passerines, Ground-Nesting Birds, Birds | |
Bird Movements and Behaviors in the Gulf Coast Region: Relation to Potential Wind-Energy Developments | Morrison, M. | Report | Wind Energy | Habitat Change, Collision | Birds | |
Development of a Comprehensive Conservation Strategy for the North Shore Region of Minnesota in the Context of Future Wind Power Development | Peterson, A.; Niemi, G. | Report | Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind | Collision, Habitat Change | Birds, Passerines, Raptors | |
National Wind Technology Center Site Environmental Assessment: Bird and Bat Use and Fatalities - Final Report | Schmidt, E.; Piaggo, A.; Bock, C.; et al. | Report | Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind | Habitat Change, Collision | Birds, Bats | |
Draft Black Oak & Getty Wind Avian and Bat Protection Plan | Black Oak Wind; Getty Wind Company | Report | Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind | Attraction, Collision, Displacement, Habitat Change | Bats, Birds | |
Baseline Avian Use and Behavior at the CARES Wind Plant Site, Klickitat County, Washington: Final Report | Erickson, W.; Johnson, G.; Strickland, M.; et al. | Report | Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind | Collision | Birds | |
Avian Use of Norris Hill Wind Resource Area, Montana | Harmata, A.; Podruzny, K.; Zelenak, J. | Report | Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind | Collision | Birds | |
Monitoring of Seasonal Bird Activity and Mortality on Unit 2 at the Buffalo Ridge Windplant, Minnesota | Higgins, K.; Dieter, C.; Usgaard, R. | Report | Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind | Habitat Change, Collision | Birds, Bats | |
Avian Mortality at Rotor Swept Area Equivalents, Altamont Pass and Montezuma Hills, California | Howell, J. | Report | Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind | Collision | Birds | |
Golden Eagles in a Perilous Landscape: Predicting the Effects of Mitigation for Wind Turbine Blade Strike Mortality | Hunt, G. | Report | Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind | Attraction, Avoidance, Collision | Birds, Raptors | |
Avian, Bat and Habitat Cumulative Impacts Associated with Wind Energy Development in the Columbia Plateau Ecoregion Of Eastern Washington and Oregon 2011 | Johnson, G.; Erickson, W. | Report | Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind | Avoidance, Collision, Displacement, Habitat Change | Bats, Birds, Raptors | |
Avian Monitoring and Risk Assessment at the Tehachapi Pass Wind Resource Area: Period of Performance: October 2, 1996 - May 27, 1998 | Anderson, R.; Newmann, N.; Tom, J.; et al. | Report | Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind | Collision | Birds | |
Results of Bat and Bird Mortality Monitoring at the Expanded Buffalo Mountain Windfarm, 2005 | Fiedler, J.; Henry, T.; Tankersley, R. Jr.; et al. | Report | Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind | Collision | Passerines, Birds, Bats | |
Synthesis and Comparison of Baseline Avian and Bat Use, Raptor Nesting and Mortality Information from Proposed and Existing Wind Developments | Erickson, W.; Johnson, G.; Young, D.; et al. | Report | Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind | Habitat Change, Collision | Birds, Bats | |
Hermosa West Wind Energy Project Draft EIS - Appendix F: Bat Acoustical Studies | Taylor, K.; Solick, D.; Bay, K. | Report | Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind | Noise | Human Dimensions, Environmental Impact Assessment, Bats | |
Developing Methods To Reduce Bird Mortality In The Altamont Pass Wind Resource Area | Smallwood, K.; Thelander, C. | Report | Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind | Attraction, Avoidance, Collision, Displacement | Birds, Raptors | |
Map-Based Repowering of the Altamont Pass Wind Resource Area Based on Burrowing Owl Burrows, Raptor Flights, and Collisions with Wind Turbines | Smallwood, K.; Neher, L. | Report | Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind | Collision | Birds, Raptors | |
Avian and Bat Protection Plan: Iberdrola Renewables | Iberdrola Renewables | Report | Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind | Avoidance, Collision, Displacement, Habitat Change | Bats, Birds, Raptors | |
Avian and Bat Mortality Associated with the Initial Phase of the Foote Creek Rim Windpower Project, Carbon County, Wyoming November 1998-June 2002 | Young, D. Jr.; Erickson, W.; Good, R.; et al. | Report | Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind | Collision | Bats, Birds, Passerines, Raptors, Shorebirds, Waterfowl | |
Assessment of Avian Use and Mortality Related to Wind Turbine Operations, Altamont Pass, Alameda and Contra Costa Counties, California, September 1988 through August 1989, Final Report | Howell, J.; Didonato, J. | Report | Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind | Collision | Birds, Raptors | |
Collision Potential of Eiders and Other Birds Near a Proposed Windfarm at St. Lawrence Island, October-November 2002 | Day, R.; Rose, J.; Ritchie, R.; et al. | Report | Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind | Collision | Waterfowl, Shorebirds, Seabirds, Raptors, Birds | |
A Continued Examination of Avian Mortality in the Altamont Pass Wind Resource Area | Orloff, S.; Flannery, A. | Report | Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind | Collision | Birds, Raptors | |
Biglow Canyon Wind Farm: Wildlife Monitoring and Mitigation Plan | Portland General Electric Company; Oregon Department of Energy | Report | Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind | Collision, Habitat Change | Bats, Birds, Raptors | |
A Population Study of Golden Eagles in the Altamont Pass Wind Resource Area: Second-Year Progress Report | Predatory Bird Research Group | Report | Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind | Collision | Birds, Raptors | |
A Population Study of Golden Eagles in the Altamont Pass Wind Resource Area: Population Trend Analysis 1994-1997 | Hunt, W.; Jackman, R.; Hunt, T.; et al. | Report | Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind | Collision | Raptors, Birds | |
Avian and Bat Protection Plan for the Ocotillo Wind Energy Facility | Ocotillo Express | Report | Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind | Attraction, Avoidance, Collision, Displacement, Habitat Change | Bats, Birds, Raptors | |
Impacts on Wildlife and Government Responsibilities for Regulating Development and Protecting Wildlife | Office, United States Government Accountability | Report | Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind | Habitat Change, Displacement, Collision, Avoidance | Legal & Policy, Human Dimensions, Birds, Bats | |
On-Shore Bird and Bat Pre- and Post-Construction Monitoring Protocol for Commercial Wind Energy Facilities in Ohio: An Addendum to the Ohio Department of Natural Resources Voluntary Cooperative Agreement | Ohio Department of Natural Resources | Report | Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind | Collision, Habitat Change | Bats, Birds | |
Avian and Bat Protection Plan: AWA Goodhue Wind Project | Westwood Professional Services | Report | Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind | Attraction, Avoidance, Collision, Displacement, Habitat Change | Bats, Birds | |
2011 Post-Construction Monitoring Study Criterion Wind Project Garrett County, Maryland | Young, D.; Lout, M.; Courage, Z.; et al. | Report | Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind | Collision | Birds, Bats | |
2012 Post-Construction Monitoring Study Criterion Wind Project Garrett County, Maryland | Young, D.; Nations, C.; Lout, M.; et al. | Report | Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind | Collision, Avoidance | Birds, Bats | |
Criterion Wind Project Avian Protection Plan | Young, D.; Tidhar, D. | Report | Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind | Displacement, Collision, Avoidance, Attraction | Legal & Policy, Human Dimensions, Birds, Bats | |
Final Site-Wide Environmental Assessment Department of Energy's National Wind Technology Center Golden, Colorado at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory | National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) | Report | Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind | Collision, Habitat Change | Birds, Human Dimensions, Environmental Impact Assessment | |
Avian/Wind Turbine Interactions: A Short Summary of Research Results and Remaining Questions | National Wind Coordinating Collaborative | Report | Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind | Collision, Habitat Change | Bats, Birds | |
Cape Blanco Wind Farm Feasibility Study Technical Report No. 11: Terrestrial Ecology | Portland General Electric Company | Report | Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind | Collision | Birds | |
Guidelines for Conducting Bird and Bat Studies at Commercial Wind Energy Projects | New York State Department of Environmental Conservation | Report | Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind | Collision, Habitat Change | Bats, Birds | |
Guidelines for Reducing Impacts to Wildlife from Wind Energy Development in Arizona | Arizona Game and Fish Department | Report | Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind | Attraction, Avoidance, Collision, Displacement, Habitat Change | Bats, Birds | |
A Pilot Golden Eagle Population Study in the Altamont Pass Wind Resource Area California | Predatory Bird Research Group | Report | Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind | Collision, Displacement | Birds, Raptors | |
Bird Mortality at the Altamont Pass Wind Resource Area: March 1998 - September 2001 | Smallwood, K.; Thelander, C. | Report | Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind | Collision | Birds | |
Bird Risk Behaviors and Fatalities at the Altamont Pass Wind Resource Area: Period of Performance: March 1998 - December 2000 | Thelander, C.; Smallwood, K.; Rugge, L. | Report | Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind | Collision, Avoidance, Attraction | Raptors, Birds | |
A Roadmap for PIER Research on Avian Collisions with Wind Turbines in California | Sterner, D. | Report | Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind | Collision | Bats, Birds, Raptors | |
Avian Collisions with Wind Turbines: A Summary of Existing Studies and Comparisons to Other Sources of Avian Collision Mortality in the United States | Erickson, W.; Johnson, G.; Strickland, M.; et al. | Report | Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind | Attraction, Collision | Birds, Passerines, Raptors | |
A Preliminary Assessment of Potential Avian Interactions at Four Proposed Wind Energy Facilities on Vandenberg Air Force Base, California: Period of Performance: November 2001 - May 2002 | BioResource Consultants | Report | Wind Energy, Land-Based Wind | Collision | Bats, Birds | |
Lake Michigan Offshore Wind Feasibility Assessment | Boezaart, A.; Edmonson, J.; Standridge, C.; et al. | Report | Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind | Noise | Social & Economic Data, Human Dimensions, Birds, Bats |
Displaying 1 - 50 of 153