The Knowledge Base provides access to documents and information about the environmental effects of wind energy, supporting the WREN initiative. Relevant documents from around the world are compiled into a user-friendly table that displays all content available in Tethys. Results can be narrowed using the keyword filters on the right, or with search terms entered in the text box, including targeted searches (e.g., org:DOE, author:copping). Content may also be sorted alphabetically by clicking on column headers. Some entries will appear on the next page.
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Title | Author | Date | Content Type | Technology | Stressor | Receptor |
Etude d’Impact Acoustique du Parc Eolien Offshore du Banc de Guérande, Saint-Nazaire, France | Clorennec, D.; Folegot, T. | Report | Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind | Noise | Marine Mammals | |
Suivi acoustique passif du bruit ambiant et des mammifères marins dans le cadre du parc éolien en mer de Saint-Nazaire | Chompret, J.; Clorennec, D.; Folegot, T. | Report | Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind | Noise | Marine Mammals | |
PARC EOLIEN EN MER DE SAINTNAZAIRE: Phase Construction – Rapport opérationnel | Bellanger, J.; Clorennec, D.; Billand, P.; et al. | Report | Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind | Noise | Marine Mammals | |
FLOATGEN floating wind turbine environmental monitoring report, SEM-REV test site | Reynaud, M.; Le Bouhris, E.; Soulard, T.; et al. | Report | Wind Energy, Floating Offshore Wind | EMF, Noise | Birds, Invertebrates, Marine Mammals, Human Dimensions | |
Underwater Radiated Noise Due to the Piling for the Q7 Offshore Wind Park | de Jong, C.; Ainslie, M. | Report | Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind | Noise | Marine Mammals | |
Raptor mortality in wind farms of southern Spain: mitigation measures on a major migration bottleneck area | Gallego, A.; Lucas, M.; Casado, E.; et al. | Report | Wind Energy | Collision | Birds, Raptors |
Displaying 1 - 6 of 6