Johnson, E.

Affiliated Marine and Wind Energy Environmental Documents

Total results: 11
Title Author Date Sort ascending Content Type Technology Stressor Receptor
Modeling the acoustic noise from a wave energy converter farm and its impact on marine mammals at the PacWave South site, offshore Newport Oregon Harding, J., Preston, L., Johnson, E. Journal Article Marine Energy, Wave Noise Marine Mammals
Monitoring of Marine Life During Offshore Wind Energy Development—Guidelines and Recommendations Kershaw, F., Jones, A., Folsom-O’Keefe, C. Report Wind Energy, Fixed Offshore Wind, Floating Offshore Wind Bats, Birds, Ecosystem Processes, Fish, Invertebrates, Marine Mammals, Physical Environment, Reptiles, Human Dimensions
Simulating Current-Energy Converters: SNL-EFDC Model Development, Verification, and Parameter Estimation James, S., Johnson, E., Barco, J. Journal Article Marine Energy, Tidal Changes in Flow Physical Environment
Modeling underwater noise propagation from marine hydrokinetic power devices through a time-domain, velocity-pressure solution Halfa, E., Johnson, E., Johnson, C. Journal Article Marine Energy Noise
Stochasticism in Noise Generated by an Array of Marine Hydrokinetic Devices Hafla, E., Johnson, E., Roberts, J. Journal Article Marine Energy Noise
Noise Generated from an Array of Current Energy Converters Halfa, E., Johnson, C., Johnson, E. Conference Paper Marine Energy, Ocean Current Noise
Velocity-Pressure Solution to Modeling 3D Noise Propagation from an Array of Current-Energy Converters Johnson, C., Roberts, J., Preston, L. Conference Paper Marine Energy Noise
SNL-EFDC Model Application to Scotlandville Bend, Mississippi River Barco, J., Roberts, J., Johnson, E. Report Riverine, Marine Energy Changes in Flow Sediment Transport, Physical Environment
Influence of Blade Solidity on Marine Hydrokinetic Turbines Jonson, M., Fahnline, J., Johnson, E. Conference Paper Marine Energy Noise
Final Results for Representative MHK Turbine Acoustic Predictions under Operating Conditions Johnson, E., Barone, M. Report Marine Energy Noise
Verifying Marine-Hydro-Kinetic Energy Generation Simulations Using SNL-EFDC James, S., Lefantzi, S., Barco, J. Conference Paper Marine Energy Changes in Flow Physical Environment, Sediment Transport, Water Quality